Cooking Music

Published: leisure

Since COVID started, my spouse and I cook just about every single meal we eat. We've gotten pretty good at it, and we've found that we enjoy it a lot more when we have some music playing. I have a playlist going with a mix of stuff we like to sing along to.

A lot of showtunes, a lot of Bo Burnham, some television's all over the place. The playlist is growing over time -- some stuff gets overplayed and shuffle-skipped until it comes back around. That's how we use it -- shuffle and skip until we hit a song that sparks joy. Repeat for the ~ 30 minutes it takes to cook dinner. It's fun!

Here's the playlist:

Also, I'd be remiss if I did not credit Hank Green's Inexcusable Bops playlist which has been one major source of inspiration for this playlist.